Handicraft// Artwork&Interior design//Fashion&Beauty

Friday, August 17, 2012

Esimene ise tehtud pluus- First self-made blouse

Umbes 3 nädalat tagasi tuhlasin kangaste sahtlis ning leidsin 2 sobivat riidekangast, millest silmapaistev pluus valmis õmmelda. Seega otsisin välja lõike ja asusin tegutsema...Valmis sai alles 2 päeva tagasi, sest ma ei armasta väga õmmelda ning suhted õmblusmasinaga pole just kiita.

For about three weeks ago, while searching the cloths in the cupboard I found a perfect cloth, from which I was going to sew an outstanding blouse. So I found a perfect cut and started to act. Well it completed two days ago , beacause I am not really good sewer and furthermore I am not having a great relationship with my  sewing machine.

Kuid sellele vaatamata olen tulemiga rahul!
However, I am happy with the result!

Kannan seljas:

1. Enda õmmeldud värviline pluus.

2. Sinised püksid soetatud zarast.

3. Kott- punutud, leitud ema vanade asjade hulgast.

4. Jalas-punutud sandaalid- Charles and Keith.

5. Ehted- Puidust kaelakee ja käevõrud.


1. Self-made colorful blouse.

2. Blue trousers bought from Zara.

3. Handbag-braid- found at mother old things.

4. Shoes- braid sandals-Charles and Keith.

5. Accessorizes- Wooden braclets and necklace.

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